Creatity - Fin s.r.o. provides custom IT solutions in the area of financial and crypto markets trading. We focus mainly on automating the processes by artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. We have developed a set of AI based automated tools to analyze, predict and successfully trade the financial and crypto assets markets. The predictions and trading is done based up on sentiment analysis of news sites/social sites & price and technical analysis of the given asset. This combination produces real time reliable trading signals and stable long-term growth of portfolio value – e.g. 200%+ p.a. on crypto markets. Everything is done purely by AI trading bot, trading is possible 24/7 and no human interaction is needed. Our product is coming to the market soon.

Crypto Market Trading

Stock Market Trading

Sentiment Analyses

AI Automation


Feel free to contact us and discuss with us your challenges and use-cases for automation. We will gladly assist you



Jindřicha Plachty 596/8,Smíchov, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic


+420 723 127 096